We advocate the integration of the scientific spirit and Confucian culture

  • Chanhen acquired a portion of the assets from the former Chuanxi Phosphorus Chemical Group, further expanding the company's scale.

  • Guizhou Chanhen Chemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Guizhou Chanhen) was successfully registered and commenced construction. Factory construction was completed and been in operation in January 2003. The whole event was reputated as“Chanhen Speed” in the local.

  • Chanhen acquired the Tiger Cave phosphorus mine.

  • Chanhen had become one of the leading enterprises in China’s feed-grade monocalcium phosphate market. “Chanphos” had become the top-rank brand in the industry.

    During the prosperous phase of production development, Chanhen people continued to innovate in the field of technology, achieving a breakthrough in wet-processed phosphoric acid technology. Furthermore, extensive research and development efforts were undertaken in areas such as purified phosphoric acid, acquiring over ten authorized patented technologies.